Welcome 慈大新生活
慈濟學校財團法人慈濟大學 Tzu Chi University
Disclosure of Collecting, Processing and Using of New Student Personal Information
依據「個人資料保護法」 (以下簡稱個資法),請詳細閱讀慈濟學校財團法人 慈濟大學(以下簡稱本校)依個資法第 8 條及第 9 條規定所為以下「新生註冊之個 人資料蒐集、處理及利用告知事項」。
In order to protect student’s privacy and sensitive data from possible misuse, Tzu Chi University (TCU) has created the following details of the above mentioned disclosure in compliance with Article Eight and Nine of the “Personal Information Protection Law” (the Law).
- Name of the institution where collecting, processing and using of new student’s information are conducted: Tzu Chi University (TCU)
(一)就學契約關係事項 (含學雜費及各項費用繳納)(069)
(十四)其他完成學生輔導、畢業流向追蹤調查必要之工作或經學生同意之目的。 (十五)兵役緩徵及儘後召集申請
Purpose: Collecting student’s personal information is essential for TCU in administering the following listed functions as an educational institution.
- C069: Invoice and receive students’ tuition and fee payment as part of the enrollment process.
- C135: Provide registration services and academic record, including status, grade and course enrollment.
- C136: Maintain TCU databases where students’ current contact information is stored.
- C157: Perform education related survey, statistical analysis, and research.
- C158: Compilation of student records, enrollment history and graduation records.
- C159: Register academic research records.
- C168: Issue student ID card, diploma, and transcript.
- C109: Staff training of related business functions.
- C063: Purchase student insurance policy and perform health examination.
- C036: Transfer funds between students and TCU.
- C069: Review scholarship or financial aid application, and subsequent fund release.
- C069: Manage student employees’ and their payroll process.
- C146: Manage library and publications.
- Student counseling, alumni contact, or other needed matters with student’s consensus.
- Application for military service deferment
- Access to student personal information will be obtained through the following sources:
- Document of accepted admission.
- Admission application submitted by applicant.
- Required forms for new student.
- Various forms submitted by student for requesting TCU services related to student records, grades, curriculum, counseling, activities, scholarship, financial aid, and graduation.
(一) 辨識個人者(C001)、辨識財務者(C002)、政府資料中之辨識者(C003)、個人 描述(C011)之性別、出生年月日、國籍、族籍等、家庭其他成員細節(C023)之監護人或緊急連絡人等、未(已)服役情形、移民情形(C033)、 護照、居留證明文件、學校紀錄(C051)、資格或技術(C052)、工作經驗 (C064)、保險細節(C088)。
(二)前項各款個人資料類別,內容包括姓名、國民身分證或居留證或護照號碼、 生日、相片、性別、教育資料、緊急聯絡人、住址、電子郵遞地址、聯絡 資訊、家庭狀況、身體健康狀況(兵役體位、免役)、約定轉帳帳戶、低 收入戶或中低收入戶證明方式等。
- Codes assigned to identify various types of information.
- C001 – individual’s identification.
- C002 – financial profile.
- C003 – governmental data identifier.
- C011 – demographic description, i.e., gender, date of birth, ethnicity, nationality.
- C023 – family members, i.e., guardian, parents, contact person in case of emergency, compulsory military service (completion or to be completed).
- C033 – immigration status, i.e., passport, residency proof document.
- C051 – school record.
- C052 – credential or skill.
- C064 – work experience.
- C088 – insurance policy.
The above mentioned information includes name, ID number, ARC number, passport number, date of birth, photo, gender, education background, emergency contact, physical address, email address, phone number, family profile, health information related to compulsory military service, bank account number, and low- income household proof.
- 學生(含畢、結業生)之學籍(含學期成績)資料永久保存。
- 考生個人資料及相關試務(含成績)資料,除法令或主管機關另有規定外, 以上開蒐集目的完成所需之期間為利用期間。錄取後之學生資料將依本 校相關規定利用與保存。
(二)地區:台灣地區 (包括澎湖、金門及馬祖等地區)或經學生授權處理、利 用之地區。
(三)對象:教育部或其他法定主管機關、合作金融機構、保險公司、醫院及其 他為達前述蒐集個資目的所需利用個資之機關。
- 學生在學期間之課務、活動、成績、學籍、輔導作業、圖書館及相關館 際服務,學期成績預警資訊等資料之發送通知;學生及家長或法定代理 人(父母或監護人)之聯絡。
- 各項獎助學金或工讀薪資撥款。
- 學生畢(結)業離校後之流向追蹤輔導及邀請畢業校友參與學校辦理之學 術、聯誼活動等。
- 教育部或其授權之評鑑機構基於教育調查、統計與研究分析等目的所進 行的調查訪視之必要方式。
- 未入學學生資料部份:為統計或學術研究而有必要,資料將去識別化後 進行相關之校務研究。
- 其他為達前述蒐集個資之目的所需的必要方式。
- Scope of Use of collected personal information.
- Time period
1.) Academic record will be stored permanently for all students enrolled.
2.) Applicant’s information, including examination score, is to be used only for the stated purpose, unless otherwise instructed by authorized government agencies. Once admitted and registered to TCU, the use of such information will follow TCU’s own guidelines.
- Time period
- Geographic areas affected
Taiwan, including Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu or other areas authorized by student.
- Institutions sharing the information
Ministry of Education or other authorized government agency, associated financial company, insurance company, hospital and other organization with need to perform such function.
- Designated functional process
1.) Notifications for enrolled students on academic matters, activities, status, tutoring, libraries access, pre-warning on marginal grade. Communication with student’s guardian.
2.) Release of funds from scholarship, financial aid or work-study program.
3.) Communication with alumnus in regard to continuous association and invitation to academic or social events.
4.) Survey conducted by Ministry of Education or its authorized agencies and subsequent statistics analysis.
5.) Meeting statistical or academic need, the University will, after removing all personal identifiers, use applicant’s information (non TCU student) in conducting institutional research.
6.) Other means necessary to achieve the above designated functions.
六、學生如未提供真實且正確完整之個人資料,將導致學籍資料不完整、緊急事件 無法聯繫、學期成績無法送達等情況。
- In the case of missing student data that will jeopardize student’s record, or hinder notification of emergency matter, or delivery of grades.
七、學生應確認提供之個人資料,均為真實且正確;如有不實或需變更者,應即檢 附相關證明文件送交教務處註冊組、學務處生輔組辦理更正。
- Student is responsible of the accuracy of all information provided. Should correction or update be needed, proof of authentication is required when submitting to the Office of Academic Affairs or the Office of Student Affairs for correction.
八、本校得依法令規定或主管機關或司法機關依法所為之要求,將個人資料或相關 資料提供予相關主管機關或司法機關。
- Upon request from authorized government agencies or law enforcement agencies, TCU will provide student information as requested.
九、個人資料之權利及權益:您得針對個人資料行使請求查詢、閱覽、補充、更正; 請求製給複製本;請求停止蒐集、處理、利用及請求刪除等個人資料保護法第3 條之當事人權利,但因本校執行職務或業務所必須者,本校得拒絕之。權利 之行使方式請洽本校教務處註冊組。若因您行使上述權利,而導致權益受損時, 本校將不負相關賠償責任。
- Student has the following rights towards his/her own personal information:
- request, browse, update, and correction;
- request photo copies;
- request cessation of collecting, handling, using and removal of personal information according to Clause Three of the Law. TCU reserves the right to reject such request when it interferes with TCU’s business functions;
- details of how to exercise such request can be obtained through TCU’s Office of Academic Affairs;
TCU bears no responsibility should any damage occur to the student’s rights as a consequence from such request.
十、針對大學部未滿二十歲者,本校各項通知(如註冊、成績、學籍資料異動、選 課、修業證明等)之被通知人為法定代理人,法定代理人亦可進行查詢。若您 滿二十歲後擬申請變更被通知人為您本人或僅限本人進行查詢,請向教務處註 冊組提出申請。
- For students under age 20, all notifications will be delivered to their designated guardian. The guardian has the right to make the same requests as stated in clause VIII in this disclosure. Student may request, through the Office of Academic Affairs, a change of notification recipient to his/her self upon reaching age 20.